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Spain covets one-year extension of fish agreement
The Spanish government has asked the European Commission for a one-year transitional extension of the soon to expire EU-Moroccan fisheries agreement. Spain is the main benefactor of the agreement.
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Since it will be impossible to negotiate a new agreement before 27 February, the Spanish government has now requested the European Commission to extend the fisheries agreement with Morocco for a transitional period of one year. Possessing no less than 100 out of the 119 fishing-licenses awarded to the EU’s fleet, the Spanish fisheries industry will be affected if it is to withdraw its vessels at the end of the month. Especially Andalusia and Canary Islands, with respectively 42 and 37 licenses, benefit the current modus operandi.

For months, the talks on a possible renewal of the EU-Moroccan fisheries agreement have been dominated by the issue of Western Sahara.

Following a legal opinion issued by the European Parliament’s lawyers, EU Commissioner for Fisheries Maria Damanaki had proposed to renegotiate the agreement, but excluding Western Saharan waters from its scope. According to Spanish newspaper El País, this suggestion was refused by the Spanish government, as about 80% of its fishermen are active in the rich Saharawi waters.

Spain's push for renewing takes place in the disregard of the wishes of interests of the people of Western Sahara. The EU fisheries in Western Sahara is considered in violation of international law, as described by a UN legal opinion. The EU Commission and Spain have so far chosen not to consult with representatives of the Sahrawi people, as the UN urged to. Spain wants the EU to sign the prolonged agreement with Morocco, which is occupying larger part of the territory of Western Sahara.

A potential gap in fishing activities puts many Spanish interests at stake. One of the results of the fisheries agreement has been the enhancement of fishing industry south of the Gibraltar Stretch, which has about 150 boats pertaining to joint Spanish-Moroccan firms. Around 90% of these firms’ captures end up on the Spanish market.

Sources close to the government told El País that the FPA is not just of economic importance to Madrid, as it contributes in giving substance to the EU-Moroccan association agreement.

While the FPA is in its final stages, a new agricultural liberalisation agreement with Morocco is passing through the European Parliament. The main Spanish agricultural organisations have already denounced this particular agreement. They claim Morocco has not respected trade quotas in the past; thereby flooding EU markets with its produce.

The European Parliament’s legal services have already questioned the proposed agricultural agreement for including the territory of Western Sahara.



The EU considers to pay Morocco to fish in occupied Western Sahara. An EU-Morocco Fisheries Agreement from 2013 would be both politically controversial and in violation of international law. The international Fish Elsewhere! campaign demands the EU to avoid such unethical operations, and go fishing somewhere else. No fishing in Western Sahara should take place until the conflict is solved.
عريضة لوقف النهب


يحضر الاتحاد الاوربي لإبرام اتفاق غير اخلاقي جديد للصيد البحري مع المغرب في سنة 2013.

مرة اخرى، يعتزم الاتحاد الاوربي الصيد في المياه الاقليمية للصحراء الغربية المحتلة في خرق سافر للقانون الدولي. وقع هذه العريضة للتنديد بذلك.

"EU fisheries in Western Sahara must be stopped"

Western Sahara human rights activist Aminatou Haidar hopes for increased attention to the EU plundering of occupied Western Sahara.


10.04 - 2012
Guardian: EU taking its over-fishing habits to west African waters?
15.12 - 2011
EU Observer: Morocco expels EU fishing boats
15.12 - 2011
BBC News: Morocco's fish fight: High stakes over Western Sahara
15.12 - 2011
European Voice: MEPs reject EU-Morocco fisheries pact
15.12 - 2011
Reuters: EU lawmakers reject Morocco fisheries pact

Human rights activist Malak Amidane denounces EU fisheries