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Portuguese public figures demand halt of EU fisheries

28 high profile personalities in Portuguese society ask its own government to prevent a renewed EU fisheries agreement in the occupied Western Sahara, and to defend international law, as it did with the case of decolonisation of East  Timor.
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Photo: A Moroccan fisherman balancing on a small fishing vessel in El Aaiun harbour (Maria Fonfara).

"Given the Moroccan refusal to answer the questions raised by the European Commission over who enjoys the benefits that are produced in the territory, the Sahrawi have given their testimony", state 28 well-known Portuguese persons in a letter, referring to the 20.000 man strong Sahrawi protest camp in Western Sahara this autumn.

"In this context, and in accordance with international law, as demonstrated and recognized by the legal services of the European Parliament, you can not renew the fisheries agreement between the EU and Morocco, which is currently under renegotiation. We ask the Portuguese government to clarify its position soon, based on the principles of international law", the group states.

The letter draws the parallel to Portugal's active involvement in decolonising its formerly occupied colony East Timor

"We can not allow our foreign policy has two weights and two measures. Portugal played a key role in the liberation of the Timorese people and called for other states to do the same, compliance with international law. Let's be consistent. We support all international efforts conducive to the holding of referendum. This is the policy we want to see implemented by the Portuguese Government."

"We know, particularly through the experience of East Timor, that the rights of the Sahrawi people can only be fully realized when you hear their voice, through free and fair, internationally supervised and conducted act of self-determination", stated the group.

Among the signatories are writer José Augusto França, architect Álvaro Siza Vieira, historian José Matoso, lawyer Miguel Galvão Teles, researcher Maria Helena Mira Mateus, jurist Teresa Féria, lieutenant-coronel Vasco Lourenço and trade unionists João Proença ,Manuel Carvalho da Silva and Mário Nogueira.

Download the letter here (in Portugese)



The EU considers to pay Morocco to fish in occupied Western Sahara. An EU-Morocco Fisheries Agreement from 2013 would be both politically controversial and in violation of international law. The international Fish Elsewhere! campaign demands the EU to avoid such unethical operations, and go fishing somewhere else. No fishing in Western Sahara should take place until the conflict is solved.
عريضة لوقف النهب


يحضر الاتحاد الاوربي لإبرام اتفاق غير اخلاقي جديد للصيد البحري مع المغرب في سنة 2013.

مرة اخرى، يعتزم الاتحاد الاوربي الصيد في المياه الاقليمية للصحراء الغربية المحتلة في خرق سافر للقانون الدولي. وقع هذه العريضة للتنديد بذلك.

"EU fisheries in Western Sahara must be stopped"

Western Sahara human rights activist Aminatou Haidar hopes for increased attention to the EU plundering of occupied Western Sahara.


10.04 - 2012
Guardian: EU taking its over-fishing habits to west African waters?
15.12 - 2011
EU Observer: Morocco expels EU fishing boats
15.12 - 2011
BBC News: Morocco's fish fight: High stakes over Western Sahara
15.12 - 2011
European Voice: MEPs reject EU-Morocco fisheries pact
15.12 - 2011
Reuters: EU lawmakers reject Morocco fisheries pact

Human rights activist Malak Amidane denounces EU fisheries